=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : Zdoom (LATEST VERSION) Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : Impossible: A New Reality Filename : IMPOSS.WAD Release date : 10/20/06 Author : JK Email Address : mw2shelldon@yahoo.com Other Files By Author : Holy Hell (currently v. 1.1) Misc. Author Info : _0_ _0_ | I am respnsible | | for the death of | John Candy The Story So Far : Turns out you were brainwahsed by your boss, Mr. Oxford. That cocksucker. Normally, you're used to lounging in your hotel room at 2 a.m. abusing Vicodin and jerking off while watching C-SPAN. But Mr. Oxford had other things in mind. You see, Mr. Oxford's parents both molested him when he was little. So naturally, perversion was in his blood. That's why he's been calling you in during the wee hours to file papers that he threw on the floor. It was so he could go by your house and bang your wife, who's blind and couldn't figure out it wasn't you. Tonight on the other hand, he calls you in to scrub stains off his office floor with shampoo and a toothbrush. But in his haste to stick it to your little lady, he forgot to fill you in on your daily brainwashing routine-- a series of "corporate training videos". So naturally, you follow him out as he leaves, and you track him to your house. You've been wondering why it smelled like your boss every time you went down on your wife. Now you know. Time for some payback. You've delivered packages to Mr. Oxford's house before, so it takes you no time at all to drive recklessly over there. Mrs. Oxford answers the door (after you've kicked it open) brandishing a wimpy looking pistol. You tell her you're delivering a special package for her husband. But she decides she wants your package all to herself. She drops the gun and is all over you, like pastrami on rye. The two of you get drunk on cranberry schnapps and fornicate like a couple of rabid hyenas. You decide you won't need to pistol fuck her after all. It's about that time Mr. Oxford shows up. You tell him he must have forgotten something, and you let him have it right between the eyes with his wife's gun. God, that gun even sounds wimpy. Like a kid popping a paper bag. Now Mrs. Oxford is so smashed right now she has no idea what's going on. Which suits you just fine. After finishing your session with her, you look around for a shovel and a big bucket of lye. All you can muster up is the shovel and a fifty round clip for your gun. You drag your boss next door to the local Indian burial ground (conveniently situated by a radioactive waste compound) and dig up a grave while drinking your schnapps. A wilted Indian woman corpse awaits Mr. Oxford's company. Now maybe it's the schnapps talking, but that's a cute little Indian woman. You know, for a corpse, she's fucking hot. So you have your way with her/it for a while until the stench of body rot gets to you. You carefully position your boss next to her. And after unloading your gun into his spine, you manage to fit his head up his own ass. You piss on them both and bid your adieu. For good measure, you dig up the chief in the adjacent grave and piss on him too. A job well done. Until you realize that weird echoing tribal chanting noise is coming from the other graves. Must be some radioactive Indian zombies. You rush drunkenly back into the house and dress into your boss's green Hazmat suit. You shove in the fifty round clip and put on a pair of tan gloves. You stick some brass knuckles in your pocket just in case. These feather-wearing bastards are going to get schooled. Well, maybe if there weren't seventy of them waiting for you outside the door. Before you can get a shot off, they grab you with their gnarled, bony hands and hoist you over to a black, bottomless pit. Sure, they could have given you fair warning and let you go. But boy, once they threw you in, you thought you'd be falling forever. But we won't know because your pansy ass blacked out somewhere along the way. When you wake up (with a bad hangover), you find yourself in an otherworldly place. Like something out of that Hexen game or something. Only weirder. The putrid aroma of rotting meat fills the air. This place just smells evil. You stand up in your heavy Hazmat suit, and you hold out your wimpy pistol like you're aiming at something but there isn't anything there. You hear bells and then some sort of music plays. You can't figure out where it's coming from, but it just loops over and over again. Now what? Description : Don't trust your instincts. Don't trust your sense of reality. This fall, there are more than three dimensions. Additional Credits to : Crista Forest, aka "CD Warrior" for the cfmanson textures, the Malice Team and Raven software for the Hexen textures, submerge for the N5VTX textures, Kim Malde for the sky, the estate of M.C. Escher for the title graphics, Saiyapimp and Tim Fewell for the music, and the fine folks at www.zdoom.org. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : MAP01 Sounds : No Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Nope Demos : Not included Other : This txt file!!!1 Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : Doom 2 Map # : MAP01 Single Player : Posilutely Cooperative 2-4 Player : Supported but not tested Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No way Other game styles : Do wutcha like Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : More hours than I want to count... My legs hurt. Editor(s) used : Doombuilder 1.3, XWE Known Bugs : Not anymore! May Not Run With... : Any version of Zdoom prior to 2.1.0, and anything not Zdoom * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors ====================================================================