Title : Icon of Sin Patch Filename : Icon_p.zip Author : Alexis Aiello (known as Vegeta in Doomworld) Email Address : alexisaiello@hotmail.com Misc. Author Info : Someone who likes DOOM as much as you. Description : A new version of the Icon of Sin. I get bored of face that wall at the end of almost any megawad. Now, while it's still a static monster, it looks and plays diferent (it isn't a wall anymore), but retains the clasic DOOM feel. I designed this patch for authors who want something new that still look doomish to use in their own projects, specially for these who don't like to replace any monster (I mean, Revenants, Barons, Imps, Cacodemons, you know..), or monster projectiles, but still want a new boss, and are not familiar (like me) with Zdoom 1.63 Files included : Icon_p.txt - this file. Icon_p.wad - the wad with the new monster. Icon_p.deh - the dehacked file required. Sample.wad - a basic map designed to demonstrate the new monster. For these few unexperienced doomers, when you play you must type: yourexe -deh icon_p.deh -file icon_p.wad sample.wad Other files by author : Eidolon.wad Aditional Credits : id Software, Edmundo Bordeu, the author of Deth, the author of Zeth the author of NWT, the author of Dehacked, and Jasc Software for Paint shop Pro. ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : DOOM 2 with a port that can handle a wad with sprites inside, and Dehacked patches. For sample.wad you'll need a port that allow Z coordinates (I only tested it with Zdoom). Levels # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : About sample.wad Skill 1-2: you'll face the monster in the default way, here it look better than in the other skills but it isn't really a challange (this is supposed to be played first if you want to test the basic monster behavior). Skill 3: The monster appears in a medium dificult level. Skill 4-5: The monster is a more of challange, but not excesive. This is the way the map is designed to be played. New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes, I replaced BBRNA0 with a cuted an resized version of Edmundo's Icon of Sin Sketch, and BBRNA1 with a modified version of that sprite. New Music : No Demos Replaced : No Play notes : Since the sample is just a boss arena, don't ruin the surprise by opening the wad with the sprites before playing it. And don't forget to use the deh patch. Once playing the map. just have fun, I know that the architecture is basic, the map is just there to demonstrate the monster with a playable (not ugly), scenario. Oh and watch out with the cubes, it's easier than you think to get telefraged. * Construction * Base : Cut and resize Edmundo's sketch, and make it fit in DOOM. A basic but solid dehacked patch. Sample.wad is a new level from scratch. Editor(s) used : Deth, Zeth, Dehacked, NWT, Paint Shop Pro. Known Bugs : -Some minor misalignments -My English isn't the best, I'm sure that it's not hard to find some spelling mistakes here and there. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors... PLEASE use this patch with your projects! :-) You can do whatever you want with the map. I don't care so much if you give me credit or not. You MAY distribute the stuff inside the zip, provided you include this file with no modifications. I don't care if you include this patch in a cd with DOOM stuff and ask money for it ;-) * Where to get this WAD * If you are reading this is because you know the answer.