=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : BOOM-compatible Primary purpose : Single Player AND Co-op =========================================================================== Title : DOOM 2 - Flashback to Hell Filename : FTH666.WAD Release date : January 25, 2014 Author : Stormwalker a.k.a. Vordakk Email Address : massesareasses@hotmail.com Other Files By Author : Dark Deity's Bastion Heretic - Call of the Apostate Vordakk's Keep The Ultimate Melee Battle Teleportation Test Lab #13 Phobos Massacre Plane of Infernus Description : A 15-level mapset for DOOM 2 that is compatible with the "-complevel 9" setting. Features new music by PRIMEVAL and James Paddock, as well as high-quality redone sound effects by Per Kristian Risvik. If the new music tracks are buggy in ZDOOM while using FMOD, updating to the latest non-official revision might fix the problem. I recommend using Fluidsynth, though. Each level of this wad has been balanced for pistol-start play. In addition, this mapset has been specially balanced to allow for co-op play, using 2-4 players. In co-operative play, the maps will be teeming with LOTS more monsters than in single-player, but ammo and health pickups will be increased as well. PrBoom-Plus users will see a new set of demos. Please do not use freelook, crouch, or jump. These features will either break the levels or will lessen the old-school feel. Playtesters : Grain of Salt, Judge, Christian Hansen, Jimmy, and Mechadon. Additional Credits to : Kracov for the awesome title screen art, PRIMEVAL and Jimmy91 for the utterly incredible new music, Per Kristian Risvik for the updated sound FX, Rich Nagel for one music track, Grain of Salt for being the first playtester, Chris Hansen for offering some great insight and tips and being supportive, Judge for doing a live 4-hour-long playtest, Jimmy91 for offering constructive criticism that took this wad to the next level, Mechadon for really digging in with his playtesting and providing invaluable feedback, Tormentor667 for continuing Realm667, and ID Software. Uses textures from CC4-tex.wad, Gothic texture pack, Eternal DOOM resource pack, IK texture pack, and Nick Baker. Plot : It was a good while after the Gatekeeper's demise that the Union Aerospace Corporation renewed its research on dimensional gateways. 10 years passed before the One Earth Government allowed the UAC to reopen the vaults which contained the bulk of the gateway data, neatly preserved on special servers held in cryostorage. But to those who remember the cataclysmic events which nearly resulted in humanity's extinction, 10 years was far too soon. During the decade after the Plutonia incident, the government had consulted with a number of thinktank groups in an effort to ensure that nothing of that nature would happen again. The facilities which had been previously overrun by the demons were torn down, and newer, better ones were constructed in their place. These new labs were specially designed to minimize or eliminate any threat of demonic invasion. The complexes were isolated, both from one another and from human population centers, having been built upon the moons of distant planets. Automated turret and laser systems were installed to neutralize any threat resulting from a gateway hijack or demonic invasion. In extreme cases, the facilities could be remotely set to detonate, destroying all invaders and severing any wormholes which had been established. Earth's defenses were also strengthened by the creation of a high-tech ionized field which surrounded the planet. This special layer of energy allowed in sunlight and did not affect weather patterns or gravitational forces, but would obliterate any foreign object which attempted to penetrate Earth's atmosphere, whether it be a meteor, an asteroid, or a enemy ship. Localized "holes" could be opened in the field, allowing Earth spacecraft entrance and exit. And so Earth's best minds began anew their research on matter apportation. Warp gates were completely controlled via supercomputers using the latest artificial intelligence, and anyone, or anything, seeking to gain access to gate for any reason was subject to a myriad of nanosecond- long checks and verifications. Special built-in safety measures allowed the scientists to exert total control over the gates, so that they could not be re-opened or commandeered in any way by a third party. As the two-year anniversary of Project Phoenix came and went, the OEG was confident that its obsessive security protocols and countless defense systems had not been in vain. But as researchers forged ahead, they stumbled upon something they hadn't even been looking for. They were seeking newer and better ways to instantly transport matter through space. What they found was a way to transport it through time. 4th dimensional travel, once thought to be beyond the laws of physics and out of humanity's reach, had suddenly become a reality. Still under top secret status, the focus of Project Phoenix shifted to place greater emphasis on studying movement between different points in time. And as time travel technology improved, the UAC began to entertain ideas for the application of this technology, the first being the salvation of billions of human lives. They were determined to prevent the events which occurred 13 years prior, when Earth had been overrun by Hellspawn and almost 90% of the population had either been killed or zombified. But there was a small problem. The time travel technology which the UAC scientists had was still in its nascent stages, and they had not yet figured out how to send large objects through a time portal or how to keep a portal open for more than a few seconds. This of course meant that they would either be forced to wait for the technology to catch up to their vaunted idea, or that they would have to send Earth's greatest warrior into battle...one last time. You are the fabled Doomguy, the nameless soldier who saved humanity from utter annihilation by bravely facing Hell's legions alone. At age 38, your body is still a finely-tuned weapon, and your reflexes haven't dulled a bit. When the UAC officials knocked on your door and told you what the situation was, you gladly agreed. This was a chance to save innumerable souls from a savage death at the hands of Hell. It was a chance you had to take. Once you arrive at the installation, the scientists brief you on the particulars of the mission. You will be sent through time to a location near the spaceport which had fallen under Hell's control during the invasion. You will be armed with a standard-issue military pistol and 50 rounds, the most the time machine will allow. But you will also have a GPS device which is crucial to your success. This device will point you to a gateway which the scientists believe led directly to the Icon of Sin's dimension at the time of the assault. The key, the eggheads stress, is to get to the Icon of Sin as soon as possible and destroy it. If the Icon falls, the demonic armies will be broken and their reinforcements will be cut off. By using this warp gate, you can confront the Icon of Sin much earlier, and prevent much of the loss of life which resulted from a full-scale onslaught. The time for action has arrived. You take your position at the foot of the time machine. The lab assistants steadily bring the device to full power. Arcs of electricity leap back and forth in front of you, and the air around you seems to swirl and pulsate. All at once, a portal appears and you rush through it before it closes. You dive through and land on the other side of the portal, turning just in time to see it snap shut behind you. You've arrived, and this time they didn't see you coming. Or did they...? Soundtrack : TITLE - "Flashback" by PRIMEVAL MAP 01 - "Doomrider" by PRIMEVAL MAP 02 - "Mosey in the Muck" by PRIMEVAL MAP 03 - "Excursion" by PRIMEVAL MAP 04 - "Jogando como Diabo" by PRIMEVAL MAP 05 - "Smokin' Barrels" by PRIMEVAL MAP 06 - "Splash Damage" by Jimmy and PRIMEVAL MAP 07 - "Simply Dead" by PRIMEVAL MAP 08 - "So Strange" by PRIMEVAL and Jimmy MAP 09 - "Nine Feet Under" by Jimmy MAP 10 - "Pollutants" by Jimmy MAP 11 - "Reptilian" by Jimmy MAP 12 - "Fortress of Despair" by PRIMEVAL and Jimmy MAP 13 - "Baron's Castle" by PRIMEVAL MAP 14 - "Beyond Sanity" by PRIMEVAL MAP 15 - "DETH Bells" by Rich Nagel INTERMISSION - "Relive the Nightmare" by PRIMEVAL CUTSCREEN - "Burned By Light" by PRIMEVAL =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : YES, MAP01-MAP15, 31-32 Sounds : YES Music : YES Graphics : YES Dehacked/BEX Patch : YES Demos : YES Other : No Other files required : - * Play Information * Game : DOOM 2 Map # : MAP01-MAP15, 31-32 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : - Difficulty Settings : YES * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : 2 years and some change Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2, XWE, SLADE3, BSP 5.1 Known Bugs : None known. Will Not Run With : Vanilla DOOM2.exe, or any vanilla port. Tested With : PrBoom-Plus, ZDoom, GZDoom. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors