================================================================ Title : Demon Eclipse: Episode 1 - Doorway to Abbadon Filename : DE-Ep1.WAD Author : Eric Ou (Ezxariarch) Email Address : ezxariarch@hotmail.com Misc. Author Info : New to doom editing community (never uploaded anything before) Description : This is the first epsisode of a 18 (maybe 32) level Megawad I will be working on. Each map has it's own Deathmatch Map including within the main map itself to allow easy deathmatching and fun =). I've never made doom maps before, so these are my first 6. They turend out decent, though the later maps tends to be a lot more detailed than the first few. I have gone back to add details, though. These maps are designed for Doomers of all experience levels. On skill 1 and 2, the gameplay is pretty relaxed; designed for beginners. On skill 3, it's a bit more of a challenge, like some of the later DOOM 2 maps. On skill 4 (and 5 if you're crazy), there will be swarms of monsters. This was designed for more experienced doom players. Though non of these maps are quite as hard as Those found in Alien Vendetta or Plutonia Experiment. Later levels will reach the relative difficulty of those withing Alien Vendetta (perhaps?). -TIPS: Many of the maps are UAC-facilities and there Are many computer consoles. Many of them will Activate some sort of switch. Others will reveal secret areas to you. Make sure to check them. There are numerous secrets with each map. On Ultraviolent and Nightmare, it's very important that you find them, for they give you much of the needed health and ammo. Additional Credits to : Id software for Doom and Doom 2! Gothic DM team for use of 2 textures and inspiration! Alien Vendetta Team for 2 Midis and Inpiration! Team TNT for Final Doom and inpiration! Plutonia Team for hard-ass map ideas! XODE media for it's awesome Doom Builder Special thanks: to Rick (Cressen) LaPlante for testing. Whomever composed and made the Midis =) ================================================================ * Play Information * Engine : Doom 2 (Zdoom recommended) Episode and Level # : MAP01 - Map06 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Base : six New levels from scratch! Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 1.0, WinTex 4.3, Photoshop 6.0 Known Bugs : This wad was mostly tested on Zdoom, so some objects tends to "float"in other ports due to radius handling differences within the port. There is no major bugs that i found with numerous tests. Some minor secrets also works differently depending on what ports you use. Level difficulty also varies slightly depending on port. It tends to be eaiser with Doom Legacy then Zdoom, as far as I know (weapons do less damage Zdoom?). * Copyright / Permissions * Other Authors MAY NOT use these maps to make other maps. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications, through any FTP site, BBS, or FREE disk or CD. You may NOT distribute this WAD on any Disk or CD intended for sale. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: www.Doomworld.com\idgames