------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title : Containment Area v1.1 Author : J.C. Bengtson (SailorScout) Original Release : November 23rd, 1999 E-Mail : golbez@ptd.net sailorscout@planetfortress.com Web : http://home.ptd.net/~golbez http://sailorscout.cjb.net Included Files : CONTAIN .WAD CONTAIN .TXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description : Consider this a tribute to the original Doom's E2M2. I always liked that level for some unexplainable reason, and thus felt it neccessary to emulate the style in this map. Even if you disliked that map I trust you'll have different feelings about this one! All six keys are present in this map, so remember that red card and red skull AREN'T the same. :) Resources from the Doom betas, Doom64 and Quake2 have been used in this map, as well as some original sounds/graphics by me. Technical Notes : This map requires a BOOM-compatible source port. I recommend ZDoom, however, as there are some special effects you will miss out on if you don't. Jumping isn't required (there are always crates to climb on), but it may help. Revision History : v1.1 - Fixed a texture issue on a crate, used the 'clear' texture on the glass so you don't get texture-missing errors in editors anymore, removed a secret area and moved the monster that was in there, made the room with the hidden texture NOT count as a secret anymore, made the deadly telporeter have a body on it along with a flickering light, fixed a minor alignment issue on the marble steps near that teleporter, and I removed some of the sounds to cut down on the filesize. Finally, at the request to make the map a bit harder, I made a Cyberdemon who normally appeared only on Coop. show up in single-player (use the crushers nearby..), and threw in an Arch-Vile in the area near the blue skull key. v1.0 - First release. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLAY INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Game/Map # : Doom 2, MAP12 Demos Replaced : N/A Supported Modes : Single, Cooperative (8 Starts), & DM (16 Starts) Difficulty Settings : Full implementation Base : A UAC facility on Phobos. Oh, I mean, all new level from scratch! Build Time : Somewhere in the area of three months. Editor(s) used : DETH v4.42 BSP 3.0 NWT v1.3 Wintex 4.3 RMB v2.1 Level Statistics : THINGS - 1159 VERTICES - 4771 LINEDEFS - 5652 SIDEDEFS - 8815 SECTORS - 1128 Known Bugs : You will get some error messages regarding invalid things and sector types if you don't use ZDoom; another reason to use it instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGAL BITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Authors are NOT permitted to use this compilation as a base for their own. You MAY distribute this compilation, provided it is the original ZIP file. You MAY use the original flats in your own map, as long as I am credited. id Software provides no support for any user add-ons, including this one. All mentioned trademarks are the property of their respective companies. This map copyright (C) J.C. Bengtson