Date Completed : 7/3/04 Title : Scuba Steve's: Action DooM Filename : action.wad Other Works : Ghostbusters DooM Author : "Scuba" Stephen Browning Email Address : Description : Action Doom is meant to try and bring back the run and gun feeling from the old 2D shooters like Contra and Metal Slug. In the tradition of such games there are no bullet weapons, only projectiles. And just like Contra every enemy and subsequently you, all have but one hit point, aside from bosses and mini bosses. To make the game feel more 2D and less frustrating, you will never be attacked from behind, and the level is entirely linnear. Story (From the Manual): The year is 2174 and the Union Aerospace Corporation is in over its head. On a remote island in the Gulf of Mexico, the United States Goverment funded the construction of the top secret UAC Site 4 Labs. They were to be in charge of the work the government was unwilling to show the public. Originally, the base was constructed to investigate extra terrestrial lifeforms buried deep beneath the surface of the earth. Recently however, scientists and army officials together have begun teleportation experiments... into other dimentions. Using this newfound portal technology, the United States Government has created a gateway into Hell itself. As if things couldn't get more convoluted, the story doesn't end there. Now, never content to just sit idle, scientists at UAC Site 4 have begun genetically altering demons brought back from hell, with the DNA from the Aliens found at the crash site. It has been a week since any contact has been made with Site 4, and the government has only one option left, the men and women of the most elite government task force known as I.M.P.S.E. It's up to you to discover what happened to the UAC Installation. =============================================================== * Play Information * Game : zdoom.exe with doom2.wad, you'll need the latest (.63 or Higher) version of ZDoom 2.0 (find it at It's not required, but it looks better if you go into options, Display Options, Messages and turn on "Scale Text in High Res" Levels : 4 maps, 2 seperate maps and a hub level of 2 maps Single Player : Yes (intended) Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes. Beginner - More guns and fewer monsters, 100 hp Easy - More guns and fewer monsters Normal - Average Contra - Fewer guns and more monsters New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : Yes! New Music: : Yes Original Music Action Doom - - - - Julian Ending - - - - Julian Funky Chase - - - - Julian Slasher - - - - Julian The Street - - - - Julian Da Boss - - - - Julian Other Sources Confuzion - - - - Rufferto Svolkraq - - - - Tykrod Mario 3 (Ice world Remix) - - Robert Smith Super Metroid Item Area - - Nintendo Frozen in Time (Metroid Fusion) - Nintendo Metroid Fusion Boss theme - Nintendo Contra Ending Theme - Konami Other sources include and =============================================================== * Very Special Thanks To * - Mike "Cyb" Watson : Zdoom Scripting... this wad wouldn't have worked without him most of the scripting is Cyb Script (tm) - Kara "Nanami" Rader : Nami did alot of the early scripting like the score - Julian "Julian" Aubourg : Alot of the great music in Action DooM was provided by him - Andrew "Linguica" Stine : Spent countless man hours making The Doom Racer Arcade Game - SNK : Metal Slug's Explosions, and alot of inspiration - Konami : Even more inspiration - Banjo Software : Breaking Glass and a Large door texture - Ace Team Software : Truck Texture, and one or two others - 3D Realms : A few Duke sprites, and sounds - Rogue : Strife Textures - Raven : I think I used their Ice texture... - id Software : Doom, Several Quake sounds - Skulltag : The Box! - Laz Rojas, Wolfendoom : Large Shell Sprite, and a texture or two - Nintendo, Metroid : Music - The cast of #youfailit : For telling me to quit working on Action Doom to work on Zoom full time. - Beta Testers : Amymaster - Loser Mancubus II - Loser SargeBaldy - Loser Hobo - Looser Espi - Loser UltraViolet - Loser(x2) - Sgt Crispy : His Doom Radio in game sound byte - DiluteCo : Repairing a mod file =============================================================== * Construction * Base : Maps : From Scratch GFX : Entirely Original, aside from the few graphics and textures mentioned above. Sounds: Misc locations or scratch Music : Julian, Misc authors Editor(s) used : Wintex, Doom Builder, Paint Shop Pro 6, Soundforge 4.5, Photoshop 7, WadAuthor, XWE Build time : Started Around September 2003, but the original "subject" had been started years ago. It was a simple patch that had you fire projectiles from the doom pistol while everything died in one hit. Fixes : None Known Bugs : Due to extensive Dehacked work, I have encountered... When you pick up the clipboards, you can never select them again. In order to avoid doom autoselecting them in battle I gave them 0 ammo, so it only allows you to pick them up but never select back to them. Occasionally, the shots fired by the endboss will hit and not dissappear. This shouldn't interfere with gameplay at all. Any other problems are probably your fault for using God mode. =============================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use the maps in this wad as a base for additional maps. Provided with this file is a changelog that tells all objects changed so you know what is used. Please, credit me where due if you do use it as a base. Authors MAY use resources in this wad provided you give this wad a mention in your text file and more importantly that you give the original author credit where applicable. You may distrubute this file in any format (CD ROM, BBS, whatever) provided that you include all files included in your distribution (as in, this text file and the wad) and it is not sold or traded for anything. Same goes for wads using resources from it. Where to Get this wad: =========================== Questions, comments, complaints, flames, and so on, don't hesitate to mail me: ===========================