========== REoL TOUGH: DeatH FesT 2000 ============ A MAP01 thru MAP04 replacement for regular DooM II Ports not recommended, but may be used. =============================================== Originally made publicly available X-mas 2000. All hell's breaking loose, and it's up to you once again to go through the twisting labrynths towards the World of Fire and Lava to save the world yet again. Four maps, easy at first, but starts to get difficult halfway through the 2'nd map, and gets plain tough 3'rd map on. Are you up to the challenges that lie ahead? Are you ready for one hell of a fight and some tough obsticals that lie ahead? If so, download this puppy, and feel what REAL pain is! Come visit our DeatH Site at: members.aol.com/georgef551/REoL_TOUGH.html Flash 4.0 not required to visit, but is helpful. :)