TTA info file follows . . . (TTA-94.NOW) שתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשת ֹֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽ» ֹֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽ» ֹֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽֽ» ÷ ֹֽֽ» ֹֽֽ» ÷ ÷ ֹֽֽ» ֹֽֽ» ÷ ÷ ֹֽֽֽֽֽֽ» ÷ ָֽ¼ ÷ ÷ ָֽ¼ ָֽ¼ ÷ ÷ ָֽ¼ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ָֽֽֽֽֽֽ¼ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ֹֽֽֽֽֽֽ» ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ֹֽ¼ ָֽ» ֹֽ¼ ָֽ» ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ָֽֽֽֽֽ¼ ָֽֽֽֽֽ¼ ָֽ¼ ָֽ¼ שתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשת Presents: שתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשת TTADOM11.WAD - The first level of a upcoming series of good (hopefully :) DooM levels by TTA! שתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשת Lots of people seemed to like our Wolf levels, so we figured we'd give this a shot :) I love DooM! Run this with the command line: Command= DOOM -file TTADOM11.WAD or even better Command= ECHO A|DOOM -file TTADOM11.WAD to skip the annoying "Press SPACE" message! (I made a batch file.) שתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשת Here's the story so far . . . You are a hyper-cool tech-warrior who likes to kick demon ASS! Since you had nothing to do after your last mission, which involved destroying an entire solar system of tards and mutants, you chose to infiltrate a fu'ped space base in some deep dark sector of the galaxy. Hearing reports of hell itself invading the basement, you figured that the place could prove to be entertaining! Now you've teleported into a tiny room with nothing but a shotgun, due to those damn inter-planetary customs officials, but this doesn't dampen your spirits. Gritting your teeth so hard that your gums bleed, you hit the switch to begin the descent into hell where Satan's gonna have his Day of Reckoning!!! This level is fully ready to play as a Multiplayer game of any size and type. It also only bothers with the Ultra Violence skill level, so even if you choose an easier level, you'll still get almost all of the same enemies. שתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשתשת Enjoy! - TTA '94 : Bilbo, Reepicheep, Technocop, Jonnybag And remember, try not to drool on your own socks . . .