=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : This is a manual for the DOOM level editor, WinDEU, and a primer for understanding DOOM Update to : wdeuguide.zip in /docs/editing Advanced engine needed : Any DOOM level or port Primary purpose : Editing Tutorial =========================================================================== WinDEU for Beginners: A Pictorial Guide Version 1.0 Microsoft Word Document by John W. Anderson (aka Dr Sleep) Complete illustrated guide to making DOOM levels with WinDEU v5.24, the Windows DOOM level editor written by Renaud Paquays and based on DEU 5.21 by Raphael Quinet. This guide also works for DEU v5.xx or DETH v3.xx-4.xx, since the functions are nearly identical (with the exception of right-click which is absent in the DOS editor). The guide has step-by-step snapshots of a level in progress in WinDEU, so you can follow the illustrations as you go along. The WinDEU interface is explained, as well as configuring WinDEU to edit either DOOM or DOOM II. The appendices included are Appendix A - WinDEU's Hot Keys Appendix B - DOOM Metrics by Scott Amspoker Appendix C - WAD Author's DOOM Reference by Jim Flynn Appendix D - WAD Authoring Template Appendix E - How To Play Add On Levels in DOOM Appendix F - Managing Textures and the "Unpegged" Attribute by Scott Amspoker The WAD Author's DOOM Reference includes the LineDef Type Action Reference which lists all the different actions LineDefs perform in a level (open door, raise floor, lower lift, etc.), as well as Special Sector Types by Function and Number, and Thing Types by Class and Number. This archive should be called windeututor.zip and include the following 3 files: File_id.diz WinDEU for Beginners.doc TEST.WAD This tutorial is available in MS Word, Adobe Acrobat PDF, and HTML formats, and can be found at the author's Website: Dr Sleep's DOOM Apothecary http://drsleep.newdoom.com/ TUTORIALS: http://drsleep.newdoom.com/tutor.shtml FTP Sites: ftp://drsleep.fw.nu/doomarchives/docs/windeututor/windeututor.zip ftp://drsleep@server1.thefourwinds.net/data/windeututor.zip [MS Word] ftp://drsleep@server1.thefourwinds.net/data/windeututorP.zip [Adobe Acrobat PDF] ftp://drsleep@server1.thefourwinds.net/data/windeututorH.zip [HTML (web) Format] Written by John W. Anderson (Dr Sleep): Author of the DOOM Levels DANTE'S GATE and CROSSING ACHERON and level designer for id Software's The Ultimate DOOM and THE MASTER LEVELS FOR DOOM II drsleep@newdoom.com johnwanderson@verizon.net